Friday, April 22, 2011


At some time in our life, we will face with problems which came in many forms. They could be financial problems, work problems or even a personal problem. To handle problems, we have to face it with courage and positive thoughts because problems are a part of life. In these modern types of life, we can find a lot of information on how to handle problems but I prefer the following three practical ways in handling my problems.

First, I need to recognize and accept the problems so then I can make choices on how to deal and control the problems instead of being controlled them. Once I am aware of this, my realization will allow me to gain a deeper understanding of my problems in my life. So what should I do is I need to sit down and ask myself sincerely the way how it can be solved. I need to solve the problem by asking myself “now that I have this problem, what should I do with it?” instead of “why did this happen to me?” questions. Only by doing this, it can be better way to handle the problems.

Secondly, i need to have a positive attitude, means that I have to control over my mind because mind controls other senses. I may feel anxious and depressed when I encounter the problems at the early stage but I need to have a positive attitude because it helps handling problems greatly. I need to stay calm; as we can see, peoples with strong, determined minds often come out victoriously because they do not treat problems as obstacles. They look problems as the pathway to achievement and successiveness. A positive outlook and strong mind can be very effective positive forces in my life.

Last but not least, in handling problems, it must be able to understand that there is life beyond the problems that plague me. I should look at problems as reminders of mistakenness that should not be repeated. Look problems as lessons that I can learn from, make me be a better person. By knowing that, it allows me to realize that there are problems that may be appear in my life which can sharpen my solving skills to make me better person. I should not feel bad for myself but should feel that problems will lead me to analyze and become wiser life manager. If I look problems as teachers, I will be able to handle them better by learning from them so that I can travel on my long journey life guided by them.

In conclusion, as humans, problems are part of our life and the only way I can handle them is to face them up positively.